What is the difference between Ubiquinol and CoQ10?
Kaneka Q10®is the brand name of the ubiquinone ingredient found in many Coenzyme Q10 products and has been taken as a supplement by millions of people over the past thirty years. Ubiquinone is the form of CoQ10 most recognized by consumers. Ubiquinol is the active and more absorbable form of CoQ10, but is not as well known because it wasn’t available in supplements until 2006 when Kaneka Nutrients introduced Kaneka Ubiquinol™.
Ubiquinol, one of the most powerful known lipid-soluble antioxidants, is produced naturally within the body. Its importance in cellular energy production is well established. Ubiquinol is the reduced, active antioxidant form of CoQ10. It also plays an essential but different role in the cellular energy production process.